Friday, March 1, 2013


Behold- the rarest breed of them all! This is the Azawakh (pronounced ahza-wok), a sighthound that originated from Mali, Africa. These dogs are so thin that one would be able to see the outline of the bones. Even their coat is very short, with almost nothing on their bellies.

Life Span: 10- 12 years
Weight: 27- 55 pounds
Maintenance: Minimal, extremely short coat

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Mop Dog

Is this a dog or a mop? This is the Komondor (plural Komondorok), nicknamed "Mop Dog" for their long, corded coat. Komondorok originated in Hungary, born to guard livestock. And guess what? They  blend right in with the sheep.

Life Span: 10- 12 years
Weight: Female, 88 - 110 pounds, male, 110 - 132 pounds
Maintenance: High, must separate cords every day or so, no brushing needed